Friday, December 14, 2007

Parties and Networking

Parties and networking

Last night Business Connection Exchange and Biznetwork News ( up to host a great corporate Christmas Party for small business owners - "2007 Small Business Holiday Party".

Nine chapters had members who attended the event. Wow! Check the web-site for some pictures -

Fourteen companies sponsored our event. Thank you for helping to make it a success. We have the sponsors listed below - please support our sponsors.

Networking automatically started since everyone in the room was either a small business owner or a guest of a small business owner. Lots of great business connections happened at the Holiday Party.

But, what do you do at a holiday party when it is not a business event?

- Have business cards handy but only give them out after talking about your business

- Be ready with a really short business introduction (30 sec or 1 min)

- Ask other people what they do and you will create the opportunity to tell them what you do

- Remember that you get the best connections when you help the other person

- Do not push your luck, if it is not a business event do not expect business networking.

Enjoy your parties and listen for the opportunities to network about your business products and services.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business