Saturday, January 15, 2011

Marketing Plan

Most businesses owners jump into business without a business plan which is not a great idea. Even worse is the number of business owners with no marketing plan.

No clients = no business

How do you plan to get clients?
How much is a new client worth to you?
How long does it take to get a new client?
How do you find your potential clients?
How do you get the attention of potential clients?
How do your potential clients make decisions on the purchase of products and services?
How do you get clients to buy from you again?
How do you figure out what to charge clients?

If you can answer all of these questions, then you have most of your marketing plan done. Congratulations!

If you can not answer all of these questions then check out the next two Fit For Business workshops -

No Dollars Marketing Workshop (includes breakfast)
Fri. Feb 11th
9:30 - 11am
Coras, 17 Ray Lawson, Brampton
$60+tax / per person
$10+tax / per person when you tell 10 people about this workshop
Use facebook, linked in, your blog, your newsletter, emails, calls or announce it at a networking event...tell 10 people and save $50.

Shape Up Your Sales Workshop
This 3 hour interactive workshop uses a marketing template for the handout and walks you through some strategies that will help you grow your business to the next level. All participants get two - one hour consultations to help you put the new info and ideas into an action plan.
Fri. Feb 25th
1 - 4pm
GPO Network Offices
Airport Rd, Mississauga
$250 plus taxes

To register call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320
Fit For Business
facebook - Cheryl Rankin
linked in - Cheryl Rankin
twitter - FitForBusiness