Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday Parties

Holiday Parties -

No matter what Holiday Party you are invited to, you need to be ready to network. "What do you do?" is your chance but an unprepared person will waste the chance.
- keep it short
- do not offer your business card until you are asked for it
- try to peak their interest
-best if you tell a story about a successful client

Business Connection Exchange is hosting a Holiday Party for business owners on Dec. 2nd. It is open to members and guests. Everyone is welcome! For details check - ...earlybird prices have been extended.

If you need help finding events that sut your business, call me.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

Monday, November 23, 2009

December Marketing

How on earth do you get your potential client's attention during December?

1. Review the details to describe your perfect client.
2. Sale - sales definitely get attention.
3. Benefits - be very obvious in telling everyone the benefits of being a client in December.
4. Can you team up with a company that is getting lots of attention in December and market together? (Alliance Marketing)
5. Do something good and include it in your marketing -- for every sale you will donate to a charity.
6. Donate door prizes for corporate and charty events and get publicity that will help you in the future.
7. Package your products and services in a new way to attract attention to your business.
8. Rename your services to match the season.
9. How can you use the internet to get the word out for free? (gorilla marketing)

If you have a tough time creating a last minute plan for December, call Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business at 647-287-0320 and get a few tips for free.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business