Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shape Up Your Sales

Shape Up Your Sales

Not closing enough sales?
Hate sales?
Not sure what is wrong with the sales.

Shape Up Your Sales is a sales training workshop for small business owners and sales staff.  This interactive workshop will

help you increase your sales!
help you connect to your target market!
help you stretch your marketing dollars!
Sales tip - listen to your prospect.  What is their problem?  You will have a tough time selling them something if you are guessing what their problem is.  If you do not have children, I could be the best salesman in the world but I will have a really tough time selling you diapers. 
This workshop will help you get sales by teaching you how to help your client buy.  You do not sell anything and your results go up.
Next workshop - Oct 3rd
6:30 - 7pm - networking
7 - 10pm - sales workshop
Maple Banquet Hall
1325 Eglinton Ave just west of Dixie, Mississauga
Register by Sept. 15th and use the discount code - earlybird to save
For details - Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business 647-287-0320,

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cold Calls / Phone Calls

Cold Calls / Phone Calls

Whether you are making a cold call to promote your business or a phone call, they can be extremely stressful.  Here are a few tips that can help you make them less stressful and more productive.

1 - write out a script of what you would like the conversation to look like

2 - practice your script on your own; practice it with a co-worker / friend

3 - review your goal for the phone call / what would you like the prospect to do after the call?
If you are selling something big then you probably will not get the sale through the first phone call so you are best to create a complete sales process with the cold call being one step.

4 - can you sell them on anything that is safe / maybe you get them to sign up for your newsletter or ask them to lunch --- you want them saying 'yes' to you

5 - decide in advance what information you will share on the phone - prices, product outline, references.....

6 - schedule a timeslot when you plan to make these calls

7 - make the call!

8 - record your results and make yourself some notes so you can continue to build the business relationship and learn for the next call.

To improve your cold calls and add muscle to your marketing plan, call Cheryl Rankin at Fit For Business 647-287-0320,