Monday, December 15, 2014

Business Proposals

Some small business owners request proposals and some larger corporations or cities request formal proposals.  Be sure to match your proposal to your prospects needs and wants.

1 - are they just looking for something in writing to help clarify the deal?  send an email with the details that you discussed

2 - are they looking to compare your proposal to other ones?  confirm what details they need in order to compare on an even level.  In your discussion be sure to highlight why you are special and a better fit for their needs.

3 - formal proposals - usually they require some testimonials - get them now and have them ready for your next proposal

4 - formal proposals - match your experience and your expertise to their requirements that are outlined.  Follow their format as much as you can so they find the information easily.

5 - get to the point - do not get too wordy.  If they are reviewing 6 proposals, they do not want to spend an hour reading each one.

6 - get it in on time

7 - call to confirm they received it

8 - follow up to find out who won the work and ask for feedback on your proposal -- usually they will tell you

9 -search out proposals / projects that fit your qualifications and apply

Fit For Business can help you prepare your next proposal.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business