Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shape Up Your Sales

Shape Up Your Sales

Just like a fitness routine that you have to do regularly -- you need to do your sales regularly. Making a few calls a week will result in extremely slow sales. Call at least 15 people a day. If you can not make these calls yourself, then it may be tiime to consider a virtual assistant or a sales assistant.

Sign up for the next sales workshop and learn how to grow your list, connect with clients and close more sales.

Shape Up Your Sales Workshop
3 hour sales workshop
1 hour consultation

Tues. May 11th
1 - 4pm
GPO Network
5925 Airport Rd, suite 200
$150 plus GST

Tues. Aprl 27th
1 - 4pm
401 Bay, 16th floor
$150 plus GST

Call today to register
Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business