Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Managing a Sales Team

Managing a Sales Team

It is great when you have more than one person selling for your business.  You can grow exponentially.  Once you have a team you need to manage them.

- set goals together - when the goals are set without their input then some salespeople will get frustrated and say that you set the goals too high
- give them what they need - do they need marketing materials in order to present your business professionally?
- train them - make sure they know the product / service - inside out and backwards (if it is a product that they can test  - personal training - then have them test it)
- review the marketing plan with them so they know what messages are being delivered to the prospects
- review the production / delivery of your product / service so that the sales team can make realistic promises ( it is bad when they promise delivery in 2 weeks and you always need 4 weeks)
- monitor / manage them - everyone should give daily / weekly / monthly reports to someone
- reports - some reports could be visible on the wall if everyone works from the same office
- rewards - talk to them to determine what rewards they want and what rewards will make them work to their best potential
- appreciate them - be sure to stop and talk to them and thank them (every day if possible)

To set up systems to manage your sales team, call Cheryl Rankin at Fit For Business 647-287-0320, info@fitforbusiness.ca.

Sales Training DVD - purchase this excellent tool as part of your training program for your sales team. "Shape Up Your Sales"

Fit For Business newsletter - send us an email and get our business tips sent directly to you.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business