Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Tradeshow booths can be very expensive for a small business budget. Have you tried just attending the tradeshow? Recently I attended two tradeshows as an attendee and I made some great connections and came back with some hot leads.

Walk the tradeshow floor slowly. Say Hello to every booth worker / owner. I sugges entering every draw. If you think one booth is a possible client for you then ask them for more details about what they do. Hopefully you get a chance to introduce yourself but if you do not then end the conversation with "I would love to talk to you more about your products and maybe at that time I can tell you about mine" and hand them your business card.

Any incoming e-mails or phone calls from the vendors, I always thank them for their information and then send them mine. I have started some great business relationships this way.

Be sure to phone any of those leads within a week.

If you can not fit a tradeshow booth in your budget then squeeze in the admission price and go as an attendee.

Call me if you need some help deciding which tradeshows to attend.

Cheryl Rankin

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