Friday, July 17, 2009

Recession Marketing

Is the recession slowing down your business?

Be sure to adjust your marketing to suit the times and the changing needs of your clients.

- consider adjusting your target market
- can you package your product /service in a new way? Personal Training for golfers is still personal training but it is packaged differently
- can people pay in a new way? Buy 3 sessions and save.
- partner up with another business owner to get the word out
- try new communication methods (linkedin, blogs, newsletters, twitter,etc)
- can you sell something new to the same clients?

To get a marketing action plan for the recession - call Cheryl today at 647-287-0320.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
twitter (FitForBusiness)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stand Out - Get More Sales

What are you doing to make your business stand out in comparison to your competition?

During a recent vacation to Montana, I noticed a few businesses trying hard to stand out:
- 70% off sale at Herberger's department store
- a huge Eagle statue at the entrance to a camp ground near Glacier National Park
- a real estate agent's office is in an Art Gallery / Gift Store
- a Toy Store rents strollers for the day to travellers
- a brewery called The Great Northern Brewery Company opened a restaurant bar and recently started doing tours....because of the tours we stopped to buy lunch and a beer sampler package for two and then souvenirs
- some stores in the tourist towns have public washrooms. When washrooms are hard to find it guarantees your store visitors

Now what about your business - what can you do to stand out in the crowd?
Stand out in a crowd and get more attention and get possible clients to check out your business and in the long run get sales. Boost your sales by using your marketing to stand out.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
* now on twitter (FitForBusiness)