Thursday, November 28, 2013

Marketing -

Marketing -

How often do you talk to your current clients and find out why they came to you the first time or why they stay?

It has been suggested that an annual review / survey / check-in be done with current clients.


The best information comes from past clients who stopped being clients. (past clients!)

1 - ask them why they stopped being a client
2 - usually the manager would call and ask about a client / member
- you could hire an outside company to make the follow-up calls
3 - it could be a phone call or a written survey
4 - why did they stop being a client?
5 - did any employee do anything that affected their decision?
6 - how could the company have kept them as a client?
7 - would they consider coming back as a client some day in the future?
NOTICE - it does not ask them to come back today.  "some day in the future"

Tracking why people stop being a client should give you lots of information on how to get your clients and how to keep your clients.

To develop a follow-up system for your past clients, call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320.

Fit For Business
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