Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Getting Your Message Out

Getting Your Message Out

Everyone is bombarded with incoming information and advertisements so how do you get your message through?

Marketing text books many years ago said that people need to see your advertisement 7 times before they decide to buy from you.  Definitely it is worth getting your message out to people multiple times so that they know you and remember you.

1 - consider sharing helpful tips which help prove you are an expert

2 - share often

3 - use multiple communication techniques

- in-person

- email

- social media posts

- pictures on social media

- videos on social media and your website

- presentations

4 - be memorable

- being helpful and not just being a pushy sales person helps create a positive image and in many cases a memorable one

- do you have a catchy slogan that people will remember?

- can you help your prospect before they hire you?  Consider inviting them to your business networking group as your free guest.  Consider liking, commenting or sharing one of their social media posts.

- excellent pictures or videos can leave a strong impression

- take the time to connect with people and not just give your sales pitch (have coffee with any prospects; have coffee with any possible referral sources)

5 - be consistent

- Stay focused on your business message and avoid sharing pictures of cute cats or dogs if your business does not involve cats or dogs.  

- Use the same words.  It is amazing when someone else can repeat your 1 minute business introduction and pass your message along.

Remember that a single post is not the magical solution.  Market in different ways and often.  Be sure to stay on topic so that you can be memorable.

Please reach out if you would like a complimentary chat to see how we can help your business.

Cheryl Rankin




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