Saturday, February 21, 2009

Speaking Opportunities

Do you have anything to share? Can you help other people by giving a presentation?

If you have something positive to share then get out there and do it. Have you spoken to your own networking group? Does your networking group have other chapters?

To get more speaking engagements:
1. Finish your speaking engagements by telling people that you would like more speaking opportunities.
2. Ask in your 1 minute introductions.
3. Tell people where you have spoken and it might help them think of a new opportunity for you.
4. Write about your speaking engagements in your blog, newsletter or web-site.

Recently I spoke for the City Of Toronto's Enterprise Toronto program and I am scheduled to speak to a group of business owners in the Town Of Ajax. When I told a business friend that I was excited about these opportunities, she booked me to speak to her group in March.

If you know any business groups that would like a speaker who can share ideas on how to grow your business, marketing and/or sales, then please pass along my name.

Thank you,
Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
*sign up for my newsletter on my web-site

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