Thursday, October 14, 2010

Boosting Cashflow

Boosting Cashflow

Cashflow is a serious issue for business owners.

When money is tight you really need to be super careful about all purchases.
1. avoid any long term commitments - do not sign up for 1 year of advertising; buy 1 month
2. start with urgent purchases
3. write down all upcoming purchases so you can put them in the correct order for payment
4. pay bills ontime when possible - save the interest; build up good rappore so if you need an extension some day they will trust you.
5. talk to the people you owe money so they know what is going on
6. collect outstanding payments
7. be sure all bills are sent
8. go get more clients

Do not stop marketing - if you have no money then market with no money.
1. phone old clients; current clients and potential clients
2. send individual emails
3. set up some joint ventures
4. use commission sales people
5. go door knocking - old-fashioned but it works well

If you have no cash in your business then how does your business function? How do you buy food for your home? Get your cashflow more predictable and under control.

Call for a free introduction to business consulting and let's see how we can fix your cashflow problem today.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

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