Saturday, June 4, 2011

Network For The Future

Network For The Future

When you network, if you are focused on results today you will usually be disappointed. If you network and focus on the future then you will make many more contacts and build better business relationships and in the long run get much stronger results. Networking can be the fastest and least expensive way to market your business but you need to focus on the future.

- talk to people to find out what they do
- tell people what you do (do not only talk about them buying from you)
- listen for things that others need and see if you can help them
- tell people how they can help you -- can they listen for a new client? Can they watch for places to post free articles? Can they suggest a group that needs a speaker?
- remember that most people need to meet you and / or get information from you at least 7 times before they buy from you.

Business Connection Exchange is hosting a tradeshow and networking event on Wed. June 8th in Mississauga. Come and practice your networking. Be sure to bring at least 100 business cards.

To improve your networking skills, call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320 to schedule a coffee meeting.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

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