Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer Sales / Not Slow Sales

Summer Sales

Summer sales for your business do not have to be slow sales.  Many small business owners can be heard saying "summer is always quiet".

What can you do to prevent slow sales?
What can you do to create sales?

1 - review your target market notes to confirm what problem you solve for your prospects
2 - have a sale - a discount can attract certain types of prospects
3 - team up with someone else who sells to the same target market and create a package to sell for a limited time period.
4 - try a new marketing delivery system to see if you can get your prospects' attention
5 - make personal phone calls and invite them to a meeting (depending on your prospects - phone meetings, coffee meetings, lunch meetings)
6 - go back through your sales for the last two years and see if anyone is ready to buy again
7 - call current clients and check-in, ask for a referral while you have them on the phone

Why sit back and get a tan when you can get some sales and boost your business?  Be pro-active!

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

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