Monday, September 16, 2024

Networking For Business Prospects

Here are a few tips that will make your networking more successful.

1 - know your target market

2 - have a strong one minute business introduction

3 - your prospect may not be in the room but know that the people in the room have contacts that might be your perfect prospect

4 - keep track of who you networked with in case any of your contacts might need them

5 - figure out how to help at least one person in the room

#3 above is at the core of networking.  A room of 10 people who each have a contact list of 1,000 means that there are over 1,000 contacts that you are trying to connect to.  Leave a positive impression with everyone in the room.  They could connect you to your perfect prospect.

A consultant that I met many years ago, said he went to small business networking events for 3 months.  His target market was large businesses like McDonalds, Air Canada, and Home Depot.  After the 3 months he had connected to arrange 3 introduction meetings and got two clients.  His prospects were never at those small business networking meetings.

Cheryl Rankin

Fit For Business


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Gardening For Strategies

 Do you do any planning or thinking when you are in your garden?

After a crazy summer schedule, I found ragweed / golden rod weeds taking over my garden.  Well that is not good since I am allergic to ragweed! Not good at all!

I blocked time to get rid of the ragweed.  

step 1 - decision to pull out the ragweed and not just chop it off (Do the project correctly the first time and do not have to worry about having to redo it.)

step 2 - try pulling it out to no avail.....the roots are too strong 

step 3 - review the strategy - new strategy - water the ground and see if it makes it easier to pull the weed

step 4 - try again......some of the weeds came out with this new strategy

step 5 - review the strategy - new strategy - try digging down to break the roots before pulling them out

step 6 - wow - it worked - the rest of the weed came out

When working on a business project, try a strategy but evaluate the strategy before repeating it.

Did it work? Was it effective and efficient use of time, energy and tools?

Consider other strategies to reach your project goal.  Learn from my gardening experience that some of the best results come from changing strategies during a project.

Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business / 647-287-0320