Sunday, April 11, 2010

Marketing Money is Wasted

Marketing Money

Are you wasting your marketing money or actually using it?
1. Was it just a deal that you can not say no to?
2. Did you get any leads?
3. Would your money be spent better with another marketing strategy?
4. Do you have a plan so all of the marketing things you do create a brand?
5. Did you say "yes" just because of who was selling it?

Use your Marketing Plan to make good use of your money -
a. Do you have a chance of getting $10 for every $1 that you spend on marketing?
b. Do you have a marketing budget? (20% of your revenue)
c. Does it focus on your target market?
d. Track the results so you know whether or not to repeat that strategy.

To determine if your marketing money is wasted, call Cheryl at 647-287-0320 to set a complimentary introductory session.

Free marketing template - just e-mail and put "marketing template" in the subject line.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
twitter: fitforbusiness

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