Monday, August 15, 2011

Cold Calls

Cold Calls -

Be prepared and your cold calls will not be so scary and will be more useful.

1. Have your own contact info written down and handy.
2. Confirm why you are calling - what results do you want?
3. What do you know about the client? Why do you think they should talk to you?
4. Why should they talk to you?
5. Write out a very short script for the start of the call and have notes about the other details handy.
6. Write down all questions and objections so you can learn for the next time.

You are ready - now make the cold call and book yourself a meeting!

Need help sorting out your script and notes - call Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business for some suggestions.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
facebook / linked in / twitter

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing -

Sales and marketing are too different things. Marketing is how you find your clients, get their attention and get them in the line to buy. Sales is the process that takes your client from a curious propsect to a paid client.

Sales and marketing definitely interact and work very closely together. The better you know your target market and the better you plan your marketing, the easieir the sales are.

If your target market analysis tells you that your best prospects are looking to compare prices then why not give them a price comparison chart and speed up the process. They can not and will not make a decision without the price chart so if you are the best price then hand them the chart and they should be ready to buy.

Your market analysis will also tell you things about marketing online vs traditional marketing and even how your client wants to pay for your product or service. Many people who are on their computer all day will not buy anything online so if that is the only option then they may not purchase from you.

Need help sorting out your sales and marketing so you can grow your business to the next level then call me to book a free introductory session.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Network For The Future

Network For The Future

When you network, if you are focused on results today you will usually be disappointed. If you network and focus on the future then you will make many more contacts and build better business relationships and in the long run get much stronger results. Networking can be the fastest and least expensive way to market your business but you need to focus on the future.

- talk to people to find out what they do
- tell people what you do (do not only talk about them buying from you)
- listen for things that others need and see if you can help them
- tell people how they can help you -- can they listen for a new client? Can they watch for places to post free articles? Can they suggest a group that needs a speaker?
- remember that most people need to meet you and / or get information from you at least 7 times before they buy from you.

Business Connection Exchange is hosting a tradeshow and networking event on Wed. June 8th in Mississauga. Come and practice your networking. Be sure to bring at least 100 business cards.

To improve your networking skills, call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320 to schedule a coffee meeting.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tradeshows are a great way to promote your business to many new contacts at the same time. Small business tradeshows are affordable. Impress another business owner and you have a great chance that they will pass along your info to another business owner.

1. How are you going to get the attention of the participants?
2. Have at least one sign that is vertical. Could be an 8 1/2 x 11 flyer in a plastic holder; could be a display board that sits on a table or it could be a bannersign.
3. Why would anyone give you their name? Ask them to sign up for a newsletter or free handout. Have a contest.
4. What are you giving them? Definitely give them your business card or a flyer or a small gift. No matter what you give them make sure that they get your business contact info.
5. Be ready - wear shoes that will let you stand for the whole time. Have pockets so that you can have your own business cards handy. Smile and be friendly so that people want to talk to you.
6. Say "hello" first. Do not sell them anything until you have at least started a conversation.

Recently I have had booths at International Networking Day; The Ultimate Networking Event; Distillery Networking and Canada Job Expo. Everytime I make some wonderful contacts through the ideas noted above. Tradeshows are a great way to meet new people and to build on business relationships. One other note - do not forget to talk to the other vendors.

To get some help choosing events and setting up a successful booth without spending lots of money - call me at 647-287-0320.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
facebook / linked / twitter

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Consistent Message

Branding is the consistent message for your business marketing. Branding includes all of the details of your business from how you answer the phone to your logo to your flyers to your website and of course to your sales process. Is your message consistent? Do you have a mission statement that helps to keep your message consistent? Do you have specific themes that are consistent from one marketing piece to another? Advertising the lowest price in one flyer and then the next flyer boasting of your years of expertise - do not have consistent messages. They may have the same colours and the same logo but the messages should match as well. You may change the words a little bit but keep the message consistent so that people will remember you. To create a consistent message for your business, call Cheryl at 647-287-0320 to book a consultation. Cheryl Rankin Fit For Business 647-287-0320

Monday, April 11, 2011

Words - Marketing & Sales

Words for Marketing & Sales - Use the words of your target market not your own words. Too many advertisements, presentations and articles are written in the words of the seller. Words that are jargon just to the industry, words that only certain people use in real life. Even if your target market company is using those words, is the decision maker of your product or service using those words. You may be selling technological advancements to upgrade a factory but the CEO is not a hands on technology person or an engineer -- use plain English words. use the words of your target market. When you use industry specific jargon or acronyms then automatically explain them as you go along. Not that you are insulting anyone but you just do not need them stuck trying to translate something that they feel they should know but they can not remember the word at the moment. Talk in a way that your client can easily understand you and your point and watch your marketing improve, your sales improve and of course the bottom line improve. For help with your content or editing call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320. Cheryl Rankin Fit For Business 647-287-0320

Friday, March 18, 2011


Pricing -

Many business owners pick prices out of the air or just use the price that everyone charges. Pricing is a very important component of your marketing and your business.

Stop and calculate your price(s) correctly or you will lose money.

1. what are your costs to deliver the product or service?
product, shipping to get the product to you, any handouts that go with it, time to deliver, marketing directly connected to the individual sale, any packaging costs, did you include a warrantee that will cost you more time?
2. what does your competition charge for the same product?
3. is it a regular request or an urgent one?
4. who is your target market? would they pay that price?
5. what if your client decides to buy in large quantities? your bulk package has to make money as well so your individual price can not be your lowest price.
6. how is your client paying you? do you have to pay creditcard fees or bank fees?
7. when is your client paying you? when did you have to pay for the product or supplies?

To get help to calculate the price of your product or service, please call Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business, 647-287-0320.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business
twitter / facebook / linked in

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Marketing Plan

Most businesses owners jump into business without a business plan which is not a great idea. Even worse is the number of business owners with no marketing plan.

No clients = no business

How do you plan to get clients?
How much is a new client worth to you?
How long does it take to get a new client?
How do you find your potential clients?
How do you get the attention of potential clients?
How do your potential clients make decisions on the purchase of products and services?
How do you get clients to buy from you again?
How do you figure out what to charge clients?

If you can answer all of these questions, then you have most of your marketing plan done. Congratulations!

If you can not answer all of these questions then check out the next two Fit For Business workshops -

No Dollars Marketing Workshop (includes breakfast)
Fri. Feb 11th
9:30 - 11am
Coras, 17 Ray Lawson, Brampton
$60+tax / per person
$10+tax / per person when you tell 10 people about this workshop
Use facebook, linked in, your blog, your newsletter, emails, calls or announce it at a networking event...tell 10 people and save $50.

Shape Up Your Sales Workshop
This 3 hour interactive workshop uses a marketing template for the handout and walks you through some strategies that will help you grow your business to the next level. All participants get two - one hour consultations to help you put the new info and ideas into an action plan.
Fri. Feb 25th
1 - 4pm
GPO Network Offices
Airport Rd, Mississauga
$250 plus taxes

To register call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320
Fit For Business
facebook - Cheryl Rankin
linked in - Cheryl Rankin
twitter - FitForBusiness