Monday, September 24, 2012

Web-sites and SEO

Web-sites and SEO

Many people get very focused on SEO - search engine optimization.  Well if I send 1000 people to a store that is not ready to serve them then the store will not get any sales.  If I send 1000 people to your website - is it ready to help them or not?

Here is the check list that I use in my consultations when we review websites and decide whether or not they are ready for SEO.

1 - number of calls - does your website convert visitors into calls? (content related)

2 - will a stranger who visits your website ever call?  For some industries it is extremely rare for brand new contacts to follow through on calls.

3 - is there a safe next step for the website visitors?

            free review
            sign up for newsletter
            articles or handouts
            templates (budget)
            workshop / seminar

4 - do the words and messages on your website match your target market?

5 - back links - the more back links the higher your ranking on search engines; backlinks that are on an all advertising type website are not as useful but still help a bit.  Use free business listings to help in this area.

6 - key words -- what do your prospects search?

7 - how many people are searching for you/your business?
To have your website reviewed and updates, call Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business at 647-287-0320.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Social media - waste of time for marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a waste of time!

Social media can be a huge time out of your day and it could be just a big waste of your efforts. 

Based on my observations and marketing experience - many business owners make the following mistakes -

1 - way too many personal updates that your clients do not want to know
2 - over sell - just posting advertisements and messages to buy from you
3 - post the same thing in every spot that they can so people who happen to follow them in multiple spots or are in some of the same groups get the same email 3 or 4 times in a row.
4 - always posting at the same time of day so the exact same people see your message
5 - posting topics that have nothing to do with your business or your target market -- just posting because they are neat quotes or pictures.
6 - using industry jargon that none of your target market understands
7 - no contact info in the profile so that people can easily contact you if they want to buy from you
8 - only spending time and effort online and not marketing anywhere else
9 - target market is never online and all messages are worded specifically for them
10 - trying to run the company from behind your computer

If you would like to ensure that your time and effort on social media is not a waste but a productive and useful piece of your marketing then contact Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320 to arrange for a consultation.

1 hour business consultation - $100 plus tax

1 hour  social media / phone consultation - $50 plus tax

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business



Monday, September 17, 2012

Google Ad Words

Google Ad Words

Trying to use pay per click can be like shooting darts in the dark if you do not do a bit of planning and track your results.

1 - confirm what services your business offers
2 - confirm what makes you better than the competition
3 - confirm who your target market is
4 - create a list of words / phrases that they would type into a search engine when they are looking for your type of service
5 - adding a defining word could decrease your cost for leads and make you stand out in a smaller list of suppliers
* fitness centre - large cost, large list of supplier and large list of leads
* women's fitness centre - lower cost, smaller list of supplier and more accurate list of leads
6 - create at least two different ads
7 - compare cost per click to the number of people offering that service -- it may be worth attracting a smaller list of leads but a much smaller list of suppliers
8 - try it

Track your results
1 - how many clicks did you pay for to get a phone call or email?
2 - what words / phrases got the best results for you?
3 - an ad with poor results should be shelved and not used
4 - an ad that gets results should be used again
5 - create a new ad

To work on your keywords for your website or google ad words, call Cheryl Rankin at 647-287-0320.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

Friday, September 7, 2012

Time To Grow

Now is the time to grow your business.  Here are some tips to get you focused and make better use of your time.

1 - put enough time into the business to have results --- one hour a week for 20 weeks does not produce the same results as 20 hours in one week.
2 - have a consistent schedule for certain parts of your business like phone calls, follow up and admin
3 - have a plan for your activities for the next week, month and year
4 - a written schedule for the week increases productivity
5 - have written goals
6 - know what you need to do to achieve your goals -- i fyou need to make 100 phone calls to get one sale then figure out how to make 100 phone calls
7 - get organized with your schedule but also get organzied with all of your business cards and paperwork -- do not waste time searching for stuff
8 - the tip that will make the biggest difference -- track everything
a) track what you do each day and how much time it takes
b) track your results for your efforts
c) track your costs
d) track your process so you know what works
9 - document your systems that work and use them
10 - get excited about your business activities and get them done

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stressless Sales

Stressless Sales -

Sales calls and closing sales tend to be very stressful for most people.  Follow these guidelines and decrease your sales stress, while increasing your closing ratio.

1 - confirm that your price is appropriate based on your costs; competition and your experience
2 - be 100% confident that you have the correct price -- can you hold out your hand and ask for the price without hesitation?  If not then go back to step 1
3 - identify what your hot lead / absolutely perfect prospect looks like
4 - screen your prospects so that the only prospects that get large amounts of your time or the expensive marketing materials and the hot leads.  Prospects coule be sorted into hot leads, future leads, new contacts, possible referral sources and great resources.
5 - rank your hot leads by readiness to buy
* do they need your product or service within 45 days?
* do they have enough money to pay for your product or service?
* do they know they need your product or service?
* do they know about your company yet?
6 - Make a minimum of 15 outgoing calls / personal emails a day
* 5 calls are to people in the hot leads category
* 5 calls are to people in the future leads category
* 5 calls are to people in the new contacts, possible referral sources and great resources categories
7 - track all calls
8 - take notes for any and all conversations that you have
9 - make a note of when to call that person again
* 1 week / 1 month / 3 months / 6 months or even one year
* your conversation will give you the best guideance on when to call again

- identify what problem you can solve
- tell them about a success story that problably matches their story
- confirm their need
- confirm you can solve their problem
- give them timelines on when the problem will be solved

- repeat the steps noted for calls but in more detail
- be sure to create a connection with your client (chit chat can be personal or business in order to create the connection and start the business relationship)

Ask for the sale

Get a signed agreement or send an email to confirm the agreement
Get a deposit if necessary

To improve your closing ratios for sales calls and to decrease your stress, call for a one on one meeting with Cheryl Rankin, Fit For Business or sign up for the next "Shape Up Your Sales" workshop.

Cheryl Rankin
Fit For Business